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You Are a Pivotal Generation

Brothers and Sisters, aloha!

It is a pure joy to be here with you on this beautiful campus. It is not just beautiful because of the surroundings, but it is beautiful because of the feeling that is always here. I am grateful to be with you, very grateful. I am grateful to President Wheelwright for the invitation, and delighted to be in your midst today. I have thought a great deal about you these last few weeks as I have made preparations and I have reflected over and over again on the many, many groups of young adults that I have had the privilege of mixing with and being with around the world. I love young adults. I love being with you, I love being with those of you in your generation. I love the opening prayer; this young man who offered the invocation said, “We are grateful to be part of this generation.” I do not know if it is just because you make me feel younger, but I think in particular it is because of how I feel when I am with you. I will tell you though, as I have been thinking about this morning, and trying to be very prayerful and careful in my preparations, I have found myself wondering if you are not the most unique group of young adults anywhere in the church. I have seen young adults in probably 60 or 65 countries and I cannot think of another gathering like you. You represent so many countries with so much potential that I feel truly honored to be with you, and I pray the Spirit will guide me and will direct me in what I say, and, I particularly invite you to invite the Spirit to speak to you so that you hear whatever you need to hear today. The reason: Why do we come to a meeting? Why do we come to another devotional? It is to leave different than when we entered, and that only happens as the Spirit speaks to us and touches us and helps us to know what we are ready to understand or work on.

Now, for starters, let me tell you about an experience I had with a group of young adults a couple summers ago up in Sweden. I was invited to attend a conference for young adults held throughout Scandinavia and this particular conference was held outside of Stockholm. I had never been to Sweden before. I loved being in this young adult conference with about 1,000 young adults from various countries in Scandinavia. As part of the conference, the presiding officer came over to me and asked me if I would be willing to submit to an interview with one of the newspaper reporters from one of the large newspapers there in Stockholm. Because he asked me, I agreed to do it. This was a reporter who was about my age; she started to ask me questions, and clearly was very interested in the fact that I was from the United States.

She began: “Now is this your first trip to Sweden?”
I answered, “Well, yes it is.”
She asked, “How long are you going to be here?”
I answered, “Just a couple of days.”
She then asked, “Well, did you know anybody before you came here?”
I said, “Well, yes and no,” stating that I did not really know anyone particular in terms of a close personal friend, “But all of these individuals who are part of this conference who are members of my faith, they all feel like brothers and sisters, so in a way, I knew them all.”
She said, “Well do you mind if I ask—did you pay your own way to come to this conference?”
I replied, “Yes, I did.”
She said, “Let me get this straight. You came all the way to Sweden and you are just staying here two days, to speak at a conference with people you have never met before, and you paid your own way to do it?”
I answered, “Yes.”
She asked, “Why? Why would you do that?”

Well I do not know if it was the jetlag because I had just gotten off the plane or just did not have my wits about me, but I started trying to explain why that made perfect sense to me and zero sense to her. But my explanation was not crisp, it was not concise, it was not compelling, and I watched her eyes glaze over. I could not even repeat to you what I said to her because it was such a non-descript, pathetic answer. We finished that interview, and I left just kicking myself. In fact, I left Sweden kicking myself because I knew she had given me this opening and I needed to have a crisp answer, something someone not of our faith would understand—but I did not. It was a missed opportunity and I absolutely hate missed opportunities.

One of President Hinckley’s children has told me that her father did not lecture them very
much and she does not remember him giving them long speeches. But she said, “Now that I am
an adult, I realize that he was teaching us in our prayers—in our family prayers.” She said: “He
would always kneel down and say (when he was praying) ‘We pray that we may live without

I left Sweden with some regret that day because there was a missed opportunity. I was on
my way to Salzburg to participate in another conference for young adults for all of the Germanic
speaking youths and Central Europe. I started thinking, ‘How would you answer that Sheri, in a
way that would be crisp, and that the Spirit would convey was true?’ I prayed about it, I thought
about it—I was really bothered that I had ‘muffed’ that interview.
I got to Salzburg and once again the presiding officer asked me if I would do an
interview. This time I was interviewed by a man from a newspaper there in Salzburg. He asked
almost the identical set of questions in almost the same sequence.

Now that very morning, before I had left for the conference, I had knelt in my room and
asked the Lord to help me, because I had still not crystallized exactly how I would explain that to
someone not of our faith. I asked in my prayer that if I opened my mouth, it would be filled and I
would know what to say. So when the reported asked the same sequence of questions—“Why do
you do this? Why do you come?” I found myself answering his question with a question. I asked,
“Well, tell me—how do you feel about our society today? What do you see in your society here
in Austria?”
He said, “Well, I think we have problems. I think we have all kinds of problems.”
Then he volunteered and said, “I think, actually a lot of our problems come from the younger generation.”
I asked, “Why did you come to this conference?”
He answered, “Well, I heard that these Mormon youth were different.”
I replied, “What are you finding?”
He answered, “Well it feels different here. There is something different about this group of young men and young women.”
At that moment I heard myself say, “They are different.” I said, “I will tell you why I
have come to Salzburg. I have come because this is a pivotal generation, and if there is anything I can do as a member of my generation to help them, then I want to do it—even if it means flying across an ocean and spending my own money to do it, and making a quick trip to do it.”

I said, “This is a pivotal generation.” I do not remember ever having the thought go through my mind in that way. I do not remember ever saying or thinking that you are a pivotal generation—but you are, and I am here this morning to tell you I feel certain that that morning in that little interview in Salzburg, I feel certain that that phrase was given to me. I feel certain that you are a pivotal

Now, I do not exactly know what that means. If you have played a little basketball, you
know what your ‘pivot foot’ is. When you pivot, you have to hold one foot in place so you can
pivot and go either way—so we could draw a lot of conclusions. It may be that you are a pivotal
generation because you are the generation that will welcome back the Lord Jesus Christ—that is
possible. Perhaps you are going to raise the generation that will welcome him back, or, another
explanation might be, perhaps we have reached that precarious tipping point in our lives—or in
this world’s life, when the more part of this people start to choose wickedness rather than
righteousness and therefore the burden on the righteous becomes even greater—and you have
been uniquely prepared to deal with that burden; maybe that is the explanation. Or, maybe, it is
none of the above. I do not know. I just know that that is what the Spirit whispered. I also know
that you are at a pivotal time in your lives. The decisions you are making right now and that you
will make in the foreseeable months and years will absolutely determine whether you pivot

towards the world or towards the Lord. Now, to make things really interesting, the way you pivot
will determine the course of your life and it will determine the quality of your eternal life.

Okay, for just a moment, I want you to put your business hats on and pretend you are
running a company. Think about some of the companies whose products and services you use all
the time. If you look around at products you use and service you really like, you could probably
identify that many of the companies in the world today that are the most successful are those that
have developed what we would call a “disruptive business strategy” —meaning they have looked
at an existing industry, and they have found a way to produce a product associated with that
industry, but to do it better, or differently, or more quickly, or easier, or less expensively.
Your generation is really well informed about disruptive strategies, or products that have
come from disruptive strategies. For example, the iPod and iTunes have completely disrupted the
traditional music business. I am guessing there are not many here who buy a traditional CD. You
download your music, and, it has completely wrecked that former industry. has
disrupted the book selling business—I have learned a little something about that. E-mail and
texting have disrupted the US Postal Service and now they are talking about not being able to
deliver on Saturday because they cannot afford it. Why? Because we text, because we e-mail,
and we do not have to mail as much as we used to have to mail. So, disruptive business practices
and strategies and products can sometimes be very, very successful—but they leave a trail of
destruction in their wake.

With that in mind, I have a question for you today that I invite you to think about, and
here is the question: If it were your assignment to develop a disruptive strategy to disrupt your
generation, what would you do? If your assignment were to say “How would I keep all of you
from doing what you came to this earth to do? How will I disrupt the Father’s plan in your
mortal lives? What would you do?” Now, I have thought about this and I will tell you what I
would do in a few seconds.

First I will read a few statements and then share scriptures. This statement from Jeffrey R.
Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve was made last summer at a funeral where he spoke. I think
this is an absolutely profound statement, very simple, but very profound: “This is not our home,
sometimes we act as though we are going to stay here, when we aren’t, we can’t, and we won’t.”

The second statement is from Brigham Young: “The sin that will cleave to all the posterity of
Adam and Eve is that they will not have done as well as they knew how.” Now the third
statement is one that the Lord made to the prophet Joseph Smith, and He was talking about us,
and in fact making a promise to us when He made this statement in the 121st section of the
Doctrine and Covenants: “God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit … that has not
been revealed since the world was until now; Which our forefathers have awaited with anxious
expectation to be revealed in the last times, … . A time to come in which nothing shall be
withheld …” (26-28). Then He went on and made this declaration—this is one of my favorite
scriptures; I love this verse: “As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri
river in its decreed course, or to turn it up stream, as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down
knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints” (Doctrine and Covenants

Perhaps if the prophet Joseph had been standing on this island, he would have said, “As
well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Pacific Ocean in its decreed course”; you
get the picture.

Now, what do these three statements tell us, taken together? I think they describe our
challenge here on Earth, and also tell us where to turn and what to do about the challenge. If we
do not do what we came here to do, if we do not do as well as we know how to do, meaning as
well as we have prepared pre-mortally to do. (We were prepared for our day; those who prepared
us knew exactly what we would face, and we were prepared pre-mortally.) But, if we do not do
as well as we know how and we are prepared to do, it will be largely because we act and make
choices as though we are going to stay here, as though this life is all there is—when that is not
the case. But on the other hand, and as a great antidote to that particular problem, the Lord has
told Joseph that He has never been so willing to communicate with his children. Surely one of
the most profound messages of the Restoration is that the heavens are open. God not only talks to
his children, but He is willing, if we seek and if we qualify, He is willing to tell us everything.

This is a day in which nothing will be withheld—imagine that. Our forefathers have looked
forward to this time when nothing would be withheld, when everything would be revealed. Our
Father is willing to tell us everything and to give us everything, ultimately, if we seek and if we

Now, what would I do to disrupt your generation? I would just do three things. Number
One: I would confuse you about who you are. I would confuse you about who you are
personally, about who you are as a man or a woman, and about who you are as a son or daughter
of God. I would really try to get you confused about that.

Number Two: I would keep you from
understanding what the Savior actually did for us when He atoned for us, and, therefore, I would
keep you from understanding what He is now prepared to do to help you as you try to fulfill your

Number Three: At all cost, at all cost, I would keep you from learning how to receive
personal revelation. I am pretty sure that if I could do those three things, I could wreck your
entire generation. I could wreck any generation if I could just implement those three things.

Now, my goal is not to wreck your generation, or any generation, but to do just the
contrary. Let me flip that around so that I make this declaration: There are three things that will
completely determine the outcome of your life – just three.

Number One: Knowing who you are
as a son of God or a daughter of God and that you have a mission on this earth; you have not just
been plunked down here to just see how you do. You are here to fulfill a specific mission.

Number Two: Understanding what the Savior did when He atoned and therefore, what He will do
to help us now.

And, Number Three: Learning to receive personal revelation. Let us talk briefly
about those three things.

Number One: Knowing who you are and that you have a mission. We sing; we talk
constantly about being sons or daughters of God, but do we know what that means? Do we know
the significance of why we are here now? Again, I reference the invocation—I love the statement
of this wonderful young man, praying in behalf of each of us that we would understand and that
we would be grateful to be part of this generation. But do we understand what it really means?
I remember where I was and what I was doing when I had a flash, and a thought went
through my mind a little differently than I had had it before. I was actually preparing a Sunday
School lesson and the thought that I had sent me to the scriptures. I started racing through them
to particularly look at prophecies of ancient prophets—Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Mormon,
Moroni, Nephi, the Apostle Paul, and others. I looked at what those ancient prophets had
prophesied about; they all prophesied about two things. The first, most important, most
significant, most compelling thing they all either prophesied about or testified of was the Lord
Jesus Christ—that He would come or that He had come, that He was the son of God, the Savior
of the world. But this is what’s interesting, and here was the “Aha!” click in my head. They also,
almost every one of them, prophesied about a second thing, and that was—us. You and me, the
last days, the Second Coming, our generations that comprise the latter part of the last days.
Now think of the significance. Since the time that Adam and Eve walked out of the
garden, all through the sweep of recorded history, prophets, mouthpieces for the Lord, have been
seeing us and our day. How significant is that? Do you think there is any chance that our Father
in Heaven would have taken a chance on the outcome of the last days by sending men and
women he could not count on? I just do not think that there is any chance that he would have
done that. Yet we each have our challenge because we have to do what we were sent here to do.
Think about what those prophets saw as they saw our day. They saw everything we would
encounter and by some of their descriptions it is clear that they did. They saw those without
natural affection; they saw the greed, the idolatry, the spiritual wickedness in high places. They
saw evil and wickedness in all of its splendor played out in our generations. But they saw other
things too. They saw Palmyra, and Kirtland, and Nauvoo, and Rocky Ridge. They saw Brigham,
and Joseph, and Emma, and Eliza. They saw us. They saw exactly what we would be up against,
and they saw that something would occur in this dispensation that has never happened before,
and that is, that in our dispensation, the Lord’s Kingdom will triumph. This dispensation will not
end in apostasy.
I find myself wondering if one of the reasons those earlier saints were able to fulfill their
missions despite recurring apostasy is because they knew, in the end, the forces of righteousness
would win and would triumph. I wonder if part of the reason they kept going was because they
saw us and that we would prevail, and that righteousness would prevail, and that God the Father
and his Son Jesus Christ would prevail. I think we owe Adam and Eve and Mary and Joseph, and
Daniel, and Esther, and Isaiah something. I think we owe Joseph, and Brigham, and Parley, and
Emma, and Eliza something. We owe them our conviction to do what they did, and that is to do
what we were sent here to do. Those great men and women, and I am thinking now, in particular,
of the great men and women of the early part of this dispensation, did not leave their homes and
bury children along the plains and have their lives absolutely turned upside-down just so you and
I could go to church in lovely meeting houses, and go to school on lovely church campuses, and
watch General Conference on satellite or streaming live on the internet. Their part was to lay the
foundation of the Kingdom of God and our part is to help build up and defend that kingdom. We
are here now because we are supposed to be here now. Of that I have a solemn witness and
testimony. You are not here by accident, you were held in reserve for this day.
Let me read you something that the prophet Joseph Smith said: “The building up of Zion
is a cause that has interested the people of God in every age; it is a theme upon which prophets…
have dwelt with peculiar delight; they have looked forward with joyful anticipation to the day in
which we live; and…they have…written and prophesied of this our day.” Now listen to this last
phrase of the prophet Joseph: “[W]e are the favored people that God has [chosen] to bring about
the Latter-day glory.” We could spend the rest of this devotional, and, in fact many hours going
through the doctrine, the scriptures and statements from prophets, seers, and revelators that talk
about who you are, who we are. What is not significant is for me to tell you who you are, but for
the Spirit to tell you who you are because when you absolutely know who you are, it changes
everything about the choices you make and about the way you spend and live your lives.
I have an invitation for you—a lovely word for an assignment: I invite you to start by
reading the verses in Doctrine and Covenants 138 and in Abraham Chapter 3; the verses that in
particular have to do with the noble and great ones. President Joseph F. Smith received the
revelation recorded in D & C 138 and he received the revelation that many of the noble and great
ones have been reserved for the latter part of the latter days. After you have read those verses,
and perhaps others that they may draw you to, I invite you to get on your knees and begin to
pray, and ask the Father to talk to you about you. Ask Him if those words “the noble and great
ones” have anything to do with you, and see what He tells you. It may take a day, or a week, or a
month, or a year, I do not know how long it will take; it will be individual. But, I promise you,
the Lord will speak to you and make it very clear how he feels about you. When you begin to
understand not only who you are, but who you have always been, when you have a witness that
you are here now because you are supposed to be here now, that you have a mission to fulfill;
and, when you try to live in harmony with that knowledge you will be happier than you have
ever been. That is a promise.
Number Two: Understanding what the Savior did for us when He atoned and what He
will now do for us. Let me read a statement to you from Henry B. Eyring, “It will take
unshakeable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to choose the way to eternal life… . We will need to
have developed and nurtured faith in Jesus Christ long before Satan hits us… . Those spiritual
storms are already raging. We can expect that they will worsen until the Savior returns. However
much faith to obey God we now have, we will need to strengthen it continually.”
When I was in my early thirties I had a very devastating life experience. I suffered a
painful and very sad breakup of a relationship that I thought was leading to marriage. I thought I
was getting ready to get married and then it did not happen. It was very painful and made me
very sad, but, I can honestly, from the deepest part of my soul, tell you today how grateful I am
for that experience because it forced me to turn to the Savior in a way I never had before. Now,
do not misunderstand—I had always had a testimony that Jesus was the Christ; I had always
been able to feel the Spirit since I was a little girl. I had loved the scriptures since I was a little
girl. But I do not think I really understood at all what the Savior did for me when he atoned. In
this particular phase of life though, I was so sad and had such a broken heart and just felt such
emotional pain, that I did not know what to do except turn to the Lord. I found myself immersed
in the scriptures, trying to better understand faith, trying to better understand where to turn for
help. What I began to understand was that the source of all true healing is Jesus Christ. In fact, I
have come to think of the doctrine of the Atonement in many ways as a doctrine of healing. The
Savior will heal us from our mistakes if we repent. He will heal us from our weakness if we will
turn to him and plead with him.
Think of the weakness that you have. Do you know that the ultimate source of solving
those weaknesses and of making them strong, of turning them into strengths, is the Savior? It is
not some behavior-modification course. It is the Savior. I started to learn for myself that there is
profound power in Jesus Christ to help us cope with the various kinds of experiences we have in
this life so we are never alone and we are never left to our own resources.
Since my early thirties challenging assignments have come like waves—one right after
the other. I was thinking as I stood on the North Shore the other day and watching the waves roll
in that that is how it has felt to me in my life. In some of those assignments I have been asked to
do things I did not know how to do, things I did not feel prepared to do, and sometimes things I
did not want to do; but, because I had had an earlier struggle where I began to learn how to draw
upon the enabling power of Jesus Christ, and the healing power of Jesus Christ, I have at least
had the strength to go forward because of him. President Eyring is right; Satan will come after
you—count on it; we can just count on it. The only way to be ready for him is to understand how
to draw the power, the enabling power, the strengthening power, the healing power of the
Atonement into our lives.
Here is your second invitation: To strengthen your testimony of the Savior; the best way I
know is to turn to the scriptures and to immerse yourselves in the scriptures. I invite you to start
a little search, because it is what I did in my early thirties when I was so sad. I started noticing
that the Savior had promised to do a lot of things that I had missed before, such as, “turn
weakness into strength” (Ether 12:27), “Heal our wounded souls,” or that he had come to “heal
the brokenhearted” (Luke 4:18). Well my heart was broken and he had come to heal them that
are bruised. I felt bruised, emotionally bruised. That he had come to "heal them that were
imprisoned.” I felt imprisoned. I felt imprisoned in a way of life that I did not really like. I invite
you to search for everything that the Savior has promised to do for you—and then put Him to the
test. If you have a particular weakness that you have been struggling with, grappling with, and do
not feel that you have made a lot of progress with, it may be that you have not pleaded with the
Father in the name of the Son, drawing upon the power of Jesus Christ to help you overcome that
weakness. That is where the power is. I testify that it is only through the strengthening, healing
power of Jesus Christ that we will be able to fulfill our missions here on Earth.
Number Three: Learning to receive personal revelation. There has never been another
generation that is ever been as well connected as you are. You understand connection. You are
connected to each other through texting, through e-mail, through your phone—at least for the
young adults I know of, that is how it is.
I will tell you an experience the other day that reminded me of how deeply I am
connected to my little Blackberry phone. At the beach the other day, it got wet and was ruined.
That was Friday and I needed to be connected to my office and to be connected to a friend that is
traveling in another country; also, I needed to be connected to some family members. The next
day I found myself on the road to Kaneohe to find one of these Blackberry phones to stay
connected. It is wonderful that I can pick up a phone or dash off an e-mail and check up on my
parents, or check on my friend, or check on work, but the ultimate form of connection, ever-so-
much more powerful and handy than a Blackberry, is being connected to our Heavenly Father
and learning how to receive instruction from him.
Now there is no formula, no step-by-step process about how you learn to hear the voice
of the Lord as communicated through the Holy Ghost. But, there are some things that are
important for each of us as we attempt to learn the language of revelation because that is what we
are doing is learning a new language.
The first is we have to ask—really ask and plead. If we want to receive information from
our Father, we have to ask Him for it. The second is that we have to learn to speak this language.
Now, most of you here actually speak more than one language, which involves grammar and
vocabulary; so, you know about learning a new language and that the most powerful way to learn
is to speak with others who are fluent in that language. It is the same with learning the language
of revelation. The vocabulary and the grammar for the language of revelation are in here; that is
why the scriptures are a key to learning to hear the voice of the Lord. And so is speaking
frequently with those who are fluent in the language, which means a lot of time on our knees,
time in the temple, time in the scriptures. The language of Revelation is used in here; we learn
how God talks, how the Savior talks, and how ancient prophets and other righteous men and
women have learned the language and what they did to learn it. All the rules of the language are
in here.
I must tell you that feeling the Spirit and hearing the voice of the Spirit are two separate
things. I could feel the Spirit way before I could start to discern from time to time what I was
being told. In fact, I was in my early twenties when I had a very serious life decision to make and
I had prayed and fasted a number of times and was not getting anywhere and not getting any kind
of clear instruction. Finally I called a dear friend of mine and asked if he would consent to give
me a Priesthood blessing; he was very generous to do so.
Before the blessing he said, “Well Sheri, you have been praying. What does the Lord tell
you?” I said, “I can’t tell! I can’t tell. I can’t tell if I am making stuff up in my head or if I am
receiving direction.” He replied, “Well do you know what it feels like to feel the Spirit?” I said,
“Yes, I know what the Spirit feels like, but I do not know what it sounds like.” He said, “Well,
have you ever asked the Lord to teach you?” I said, “Teach me what?” He said, “Teach you what
it sounds like and feels like for you when our Father is trying to communicate with you through
the Holy Ghost.” I said, “Well no, I have never asked that.” He replied, “Why don’t you start
asking that?” That was more than thirty years ago, and I began that very night to get on my knees
and ask the Lord, ask my Father, if He would teach me what it sounds like and what it feels like
for me.
That is my third invitation. If you are not sure what it sounds like for you, or feels like for
you when information is coming from above, I invite you to get on your knees and begin to ask.
This is not something that will be done by next Thursday. It will take a while, but little by little
you will feel drawn to things that will help you. You will be drawn to information; you will be
drawn to scriptures that will give you clues about things you need to start doing or things you
need to stop doing to invite the flow of the Spirit. I promise you, our Father wants to talk to us
and He will talk to you. I cannot imagine that there is any other generation that He is more eager
to talk to than you. But you, we, have to learn to hear what he has to say. I can tell you that one
of the things that helps the very most is to get rid of anything in your life that could obstruct the
My hunch is that there are some things that every one of us could go home and throw out.
You may have some music that you ought to absolutely erase from your iPod. If it is vulgar, if
there is profanity, if there is sexual innuendo, it has to go. Same with DVDs — you cannot watch
stuff and expect for the Spirit to linger because he will not. There may be some clothes that you
ought to throw out that are too tight, too low, too short, or too revealing. Have you ever thought
about the fact that clothing can obstruct the flow of the Spirit? It can.
I received an e-mail from a friend of mine who has a son here (so this is one of your
mothers): “I worry about my son; he is a great, righteous man. But, he still makes choices in
music and movies that I know decrease his ability to feel the Spirit, and it pains me. He just
doesn’t see the connection; he doesn’t see that those things really matter. I worry that he doesn’t
have the personal connection to the Savior that he could have. Please tell my son to stop living
beneath himself, because he has the potential to be great.”
Now in conclusion, there are three things that will determine the course of your life.
Knowing who you are as a son or a daughter of God and that you have a mission and it is a
unique mission—only yours. Understanding the Savior, what He did for us when He atoned, and
what He will do to help us now. And the third is learning to receive revelation. You know there is
nothing happening today that is catching the Lord by surprise. He is not in heaven, hastily
convening a council because Satan has pulled a fast one on him. He knew that in 2009 there
would be an economic collapse in the United States that would trigger economic problems
around the world. He knew that by 2009 the media would be almost entirely controlled by
Lucifer. He knew that by this time, in the history of the world and in the history of this
dispensation, that marriage between a man and a woman would come under full-scale attack. He
knew all of that, and much, much more. But, He also knew that when the world began to unravel
for the last time, that He would need his most noble sons and daughters here—on the front lines
of the most spiritual battle in the history of the world.
God knew that when the world fell apart he would want you and he would choose for you
to be here. I know that is true and that you are a pivotal generation. I also know that Satan will
do everything he can to disrupt your mission. But, if you know who you are, if you have a
witness of Jesus Christ and understand how He will help you, and if you can receive personal
revelation, Lucifer will not, he will not, disrupt your life here. He will not disrupt your progress,
and you will fulfill your mission. I testify that God is our Father, that Jesus is the Christ, that He
is going to come again, and that his kingdom on this earth will prevail. I testify that every one of
us was foreordained to stand where we stand in the Kingdom of God. In the name of Jesus
Christ, amen.